Innovative Non-Surgical Treatments in Houston for Sore Joints

If you are suffering from sore joints, you are not alone. About a quarter of adults in the United States report having severe joint pain, mostly due to arthritis. However, joint pain can be the result of many causes and there are multiple ways to treat it. If you are looking for non-surgical treatments in Houston to tackle your joint pain, we have put together all the information you need to know.

👉 Let’s dive in.

Causes of Joint Pain

Joint pain is abundantly common, especially within the adult population, although not exclusive to them. Given that there are many different causes, treatments also vary. While in some more extreme cases, professionals recommend surgery, there are new, non-invasive and non-surgical treatments in Houston, to consider. Let’s delve into the different triggers of sore joints first.

  • Osteoarthritis. This condition is the result of the ear and tear of the cartilage with the passing of time. This means that the protective cushion at the end of the joints deteriorates and therefore joint movement causes inflammation and pain. 
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. Unlike osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis is the consequence of the immune system attacking healthy cells by mistake, causing swelling in the joints. It commonly affects the hands, wrists, and the knees. It can provoke deformity in the joints.
  • Gout. Gout is also a type of inflammatory arthritis which causes pain and swelling in your joints. It often begins in the big toe or a lower limb.
  • Bursitis. The bursae are fluid-full sacks that also provide cushioning to the bones, as well as for tendons and muscles near the joints. When they become inflamed, it is called bursitis and it can cause a lot of pain. It most commonly occurs in the shoulder, elbow and hip. 
  • Tendinitis. Like bursitis, tendinitis is also an inflammation. In this case, the tendons swell due to repetitive movements or a sudden injury.
  • Injury. Accidents can prompt any of the conditions described above, especially tendonitis and bursitis, as the joints feel the impact of any strong physical accident.

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Treating Joint Pain

Sore joints can present a challenge for patients. They can severely interfere with one’s work and everyday life. And considering it can begin as early as at 40 years of age, it is imperative to treat it as soon as possible to be able to enjoy the prime of life.

Here are some non-surgical treatments in Houston that people can implement to reduce joint pain. If the pain persists, it is time to consult with your trusted specialist.

  • Home remedies such as applying heat or cold on the area with a heating pad or an ice pack.
  • Low-impact exercise can help you regain mobility on the joints. However, it is important to consult with a fitness expert to get the right workout routine that will not put an added pressure on the joints and make the condition worse.
  • Shedding some extra pounds. In some cases, excess weight puts on extra pressure on the joints, especially the knees. Nevertheless, it is extremely important to consult with a nutritionist or a health coach to follow a healthy diet. Do not try dieting on your own, as you can risk falling into unhealthy habits.
  • Painkillers can offer relief if the pain is temporary. If the pain is chronic, the use of medication is not recommendable, as it can create a dependency and also upset your stomach. Before taking any medication, consult with your doctor.
  • Topical creams and ointments can provide a lot of relief. Usually, these are available OTC (over the counter) and are an effective way to manage joint pain. When it gets too intense or chronic, though, it is best to consult with a specialist.
  • Regenerative medicine can offer the gateway into a revolutionary recovery from sore joints. It goes straight to the root cause of the problem and uses the body’s own cells to repair it. Read below for a breakdown of what it is and how it works.

Non-Surgical Treatments in Houston for Joint Pain: Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative medicine (RM) is a relatively new field of medicine dedicated to studying and furthering the replacement, engineering, or regeneration of human cells, tissues, or organs lost or injured. It gets to the core of pain and boosts the human body’s natural healing process.

Specialists recommend regenerative medicine to treat

  • meniscus,
  • ligament and rotator cuff tears,
  • and shoulder and hip labrum issues.

Regenerative medicine is cell-based, which means that research and development within this branch of medicine is carried out at cellular level. As a result, the treatments that emerge are non-surgical and non-invasive. Apart from that, they present less adverse effects because the cells used are the patient’s own.

As energetic people who enjoy an active lifestyle, Houston locals will especially enjoy the fact that the recovery time is minimal. Access to non-surgical treatments in Houston is therefore a more-than-valuable asset to the population. 

Because regenerative medicine can help regrow the cartilage and restore damaged tissue, healthcare specialists use it to treat tears and other joint issues. While suffering a labrum injury, for example, can be debilitating and impair your everyday activities, it does not necessarily imply surgery. Consult with your healthcare professional immediately to see if RM is right for you.

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Non-Surgical Treatments in Houston at Pure Health

As a state-of-the-art, non-surgical treatment center, Pure Health Clinics have teams of dedicated and experienced professionals that are regenerative medicine experts.If you are looking for non-surgical treatments in Houston to treat your joint pain, Pure Health is at the forefront of therapies. 

Our state-of-the-art facilities and experienced, award-winning medical staff are a guarantee of world-class medical services. We take pride in treating every patient in an extremely personalized way and prepare customized plans for them. Schedule your appointment today to experience the best care.

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