What Knee Cartilage Replacement Alternatives Are There in Houston?

A blow, recurrent strain, or congenital conditions can cause knee cartilage damage. When damage is irreparable, doctors recommend replacing it, which usually implies having surgery. These can be costly and have a long and painful recovery period. On top of that, cartilage replacement does not always mean said cartilage won’t wear out eventually as well. Fortunately, advances in medicine have made it so that there are knee cartilage replacement alternatives in Houston to consider. Read on if you are looking for other ways to treat cartilage damage.

Knee Cartilage Damage

Articular cartilage is the connective tissue at the end of the bones in the joints. In the knee, is is found at the extreme of the femur and the fibula. Its function is to reduce friction when moving. Also, it holds the bones together in place. A deterioration of the cartilage can therefore not only mean pain due to friction, but loss in stability.

An interesting fact about the cartilage is that there is no blood in it, consequently, it takes much longer to heal. 

There are three types of cartilage:

  • Elastic cartilage, found on the outside of the ears and the nose.
  • Fibrocartilage, which is able to endure heavy weight and is in the back, hip and pelvis.
  • Hyaline cartilage is the type found in the joints.

Damage to articular cartilage can include:

  • Blows. A direct, heavy impact to the knee can happen when colliding with another person when we play sports, for example, or during a bad fall or accident.
  • Wear and tear. Repetitive motion and stress on the joint can lead to injury and eventually replacement. In the case of the knees, it is recommended that people try to stay within their weight parameters so as not to add pressure on them.
  • Lack of movement. Ironically, too much movement and stress can result in injury… and so can lack thereof. It makes sense, though: just like when a car engine gets ruined if it is not used for long, the same can happen with cartilage. Regular movement, in both cases, is healthy.

Avoiding Knee Cartilage Injuries

It is important to keep in mind that there are things we can do to maintain knee cartilage health and protect it from injury. Here is a list of recommendations from the Arthritis Foundation:

  • Stretch the joint gently through the whole range of motion span.
  • Do aquatic exercises that take the pressure off the knees.
  • Do Aerobic exercises like walking, jogging, cycling. Professionals recommend 150 minutes of moderately intense aerobic exercise a week.

It is important to be intelligent when exercising, this means going for low-impact activities when we are referring to the knee joints. This means that if you were considering joining your local paddle court, you might want to think twice before subjecting your knee to the impact it will receive when bouncing on the cement.

Symptoms of Knee Cartilage Damage

Patients with knee articular damage present the following symptoms:

  • Inflammation
  • Stiffness
  • Limitation of motion
  • Pain 

These are traditionally treated with pain medication and rest, but when they become unbearable, it means the cartilage has given out. Subsequently, doctors might recommend knee cartilage replacement. Fortunately, there are new alternatives to it to avoid an invasive procedure whose results are not guaranteed.

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What Knee Cartilage Replacement Alternatives Are There?

Thanks to advances in modern medicine, there are knee cartilage replacement alternatives to consider in Houston. Regenerative medicine aims at bolstering the body’s self-healing properties. Even though cartilage, as we have mentioned, has no blood supply, which contains the regenerative components, there are treatments that can make this happen and provide relief. 

Regenerative medicine focuses on developing the body’s self-healing properties and engineering damaged or lost tissue. These treatments have virtually no contraindications because they use the patient’s own cells, therefore it assimilates them perfectly. Another advantage of regenerative medicine is that it is a non-surgical and non-invasive procedure.

Consult with your healthcare provider to see if you are an eligible patient. Our dedicated and expert staff at Pure Health Clinics can answer all your questions and give an accurate diagnosis.

Knee Cartilage Replacement Alternatives in Houston at Pure Health

At Pure Health Clinics, we are committed to offering the highest quality healthcare and the support necessary to live an energetic, fulfilling life. Our state-of-the-art facilities and award-winning medical providers ensure that every patient gets a personalized and bespoke treatment and experience. While at any of our facilities, you’ll find care, respect, and understanding. We take pride in the extraordinary level of medical care that we provide to our patients, and the way we guide them into feeling confident in making the best decisions regarding their health. We look forward to helping you in your journey into a better life.

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