Bioidentical Hormone Therapy in Houston 101

The history of bioidentical hormone therapy dates back to the 1960s, with the publication of the book Feminine Forever, by Robert A. Wilson. In it, Wilson claimed that “menopause is a hormone deficiency disease, curable and totally preventable, just take estrogen.” Consequently, hormone replacement therapy (HRT, said hormone being estrogen) was introduced as a way to “conserve femininity” and free women from menopause. Since then, the healthcare landscape has evolved multifold and therefore the aim is no longer to “hold on to femininity,” but to alleviate symptoms of menopause to continue living a fulfilling life while embracing the changes that come with it. HRT then evolved into BHRT, the next frontier in hormone replacement. If you are going through menopause and looking into bioidentical hormone therapy in Houston, you have come to the right place.

From Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Back in the 300s B.C., Aristotle was already discussing the cessation of menstruation. However, it wasn’t until the early 1800s that French physician Charles-Pierre-Louis de Gardanne introduced the term “menopause.” Ever since, science and understanding around menopause has continuously advanced. In 1917, Dr. Papanicolau described estrogen and the role of HPA in guinea pigs. The first commercially sold hormone therapy product hit the stands in 1923; it was called Emmenin. It was expensive to produce, therefore, they later replaced it with Premarin (sold until today), made with conjugated equine estrogens. Women took it orally and it was marketed to “replace” (hence, the name HRT) womens’ estrogen. Consumption of estrogen therapy almost tripled by the 1960s due to the popularity of Wilson’s Feminine Forever

By 1992, Premarin was the No. 1 prescribed drug in the United States. Ten years later, in 2002, WHI conducted studies whose results caused some doctors and women to advocate for bioidentical hormones —those made from plant sources, sometimes called “human identical hormones.”

Related content: What are the Positive Effects of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

So, what is the difference between the two? Let’s look into it:

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

Hormone Therapy is a treatment aimed, among other things, at relieving menopause symptoms. They include:

  • Hot flashes
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Irritability
  • Depression

There are two basic kinds of therapy: estrogen-only and a combination of estrogen and progestogen. The hormones used in these therapies are synthetic. Both kinds help with all of the symptoms listed above. However, following the 2002 trial, the FDA requires every prescription come with a warning about the adverse risks. Also, treatment and dosage will vary from woman to woman, as there are numerous additional factors that doctors take into consideration when prescribing.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

As a side result of the 2002 trial, there has been research and development around “bioidentical” hormones, because specialists  have considered them to be safer. Although bioidentical hormones are also created in a lab, the main difference with synthetic estrogen in traditional HRT is that they do come from natural sources. Also, the way they design bioidentical hormones is so that the body can assimilate them as its own.

Because every physical body is unique, specialists offer a compounded bioidentical hormone therapy which is customized for each patient. Specialized pharmacies make these compounds. In the case of menopause, you will take these hormones to replace the ones your organism isn’t producing anymore in order to alleviate symptoms.

If your specialist has prescribed bioidentical hormone therapy in Houston, you are in the safest hands at Pure Health. 

Related content: Bioidentical Hormone Therapy: Debunking 3 Myths

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy in Houston

Pure Health Clinics is committed to bringing our patients in Houston quality healthcare and the support necessary to live an energetic, fulfilling life. Our state-of-the-art services and award-winning medical providers ensure that every patient is not only happy and healthy, but experiences world-class care at our offices. Our team of dedicated professionals will listen and analyze your symptoms and guide you through your journey through bioidentical hormone therapy in Houston. Schedule your appointment today to learn more and start your path to healing.

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