Innovative Bioidentical Hormone Therapy in Idaho: What You Need to Know

When Feminine Forever, by Robert A. Wilson came out in the 1960s, the hormone revolution began. As time has gone by and science became more and more advanced, scientists discovered that hormone imbalances and/or deficiencies can affect both men and women. As humans age, their production of certain hormones decreases. Therefore, a new treatment has landed to make up for that and help individuals feel centered and live a better life for longer. Discover the wonderful benefits of bioidentical hormone therapy in Idaho by the hand of Pure Health Clinics, where we help people “Remedy, Rejuvenate, and Rebalance.”

What Is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy (BHRT)

Understanding Hormones 

Hormones are our bodies’ “messengers.” They travel through the bloodstream and regulate physiology and behavior. Animals and fungi also have hormones. Among the functions they regulate through their communicative action are digestion, metabolism, growth and development, sleep, stress induction, reproduction and mood manipulation. As we grow older, our bodies cease the production of certain hormones, which affects us on multiple levels. This is what we know as perimenopause, menopause and andropause.

There are hormones that can be used as medication, as is the case of estrogens and progestogens (used for contraception, for example). A “pharmacological dose” of a hormone refers to the amount of a hormone greater than naturally occurs in the body. As a result, this is therapeutically useful.

What Is Hormone Therapy?

For people who suffer hormonal imbalances or going through menopause or andropause, symptoms can can include:

  • Decreased libido
  • Decreased mental clarity (fog)
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Depression
  • Hot Flashes/Night sweats
  • Irritability
  • Joint pain
  • Memory loss
  • Migraine/Menstrual headaches
  • Mood swings
  • Sleep disturbances (Insomnia)
  • Tension, anxiety
  • Tiredness/Fatigue/Lack of motivation
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Weight gain (Increased belly fat)

To overcome these destabilizing symptoms, as mentioned above, hormones are used therapeutically. This means that specialists detect which hormones are lacking. They do so by conducting different tests to reach a diagnosis. Once the diagnosis is ready, they prescribe the patient hormones to replace the ones that the body is not producing. Specialized pharmacies prepare biodientical hormones for the patient to take. They can come in the form of tablets or they can be injectable. The injections can be self-administered. As a result, patients who receive hormone therapy start feeling like themselves again after a few weeks. The symptoms start to alleviate because the body is now getting the hormones that it was lacking.

Related content: What are the Positive Effects of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Can I Find Bioidentical Hormone Therapy in Idaho?

Bioidentical hormones are human-developed hormones which are administered to patients to alleviate symptoms of hormonal imbalances. Apart from disease-related imbalances or other sources, common imbalances are menopause and andropause. These bioidentical hormones come from natural sources and therefore the body can assimilate them as its own.

The other distinctive feature of bioidentical hormone therapy is that since every body is unique, specialists customize the recipe for each individual patient. Specialized pharmacies formulate the hormones following the medical provider’s guidelines.

If your healthcare provider at Pure Health has prescribed bioidentical hormone therapy in Idaho, you are in the safest hands. 

Related content: Bioidentical Hormone Therapy: Debunking 3 Myths

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy in Idaho at Pure Health

Our modern lifestyles demand modern solutions, and at Pure Health, we are at the forefront of modern, cutting-edge health services. At our Idaho Pure Health location, we offer outstanding care, respect, and understanding. Our exceptional medical providers give our patients a world-class experience.

If you are experiencing symptoms of a hormonal imbalance, get in touch with our team of dedicated professionals. They will listen and analyze them and guide you through your journey through bioidentical hormone therapy in Idaho. Schedule your appointment today to learn more and start your path to a fuller life.

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