Regenerative Therapy

The Best Shoulder and Knee Cartilage Replacement Alternatives

For those looking for shoulder and knee cartilage replacement alternatives, we have put together this article to dispel any doubts you might have before deciding whether to go into the OR.

More than 1.25 million Americans had total joint arthroplasty (TJA) in 2019. This includes knee, shoulder, and hip repairs or replacements. Considering that recovery time for knee replacement surgery is a year on average, patients might want to consider alternatives. On top of that, there is the cost of surgery, which can ascend to over 15,000 dollars.


Let’s Talk Cartilage

Cartilage is a connective tissue. This means that it is found between two bones and acts as their connector so that they can move with fluidity. It is both tough and flexible. Precisely because of that, it is easy to damage: an injury, recurrent strain, or congenital conditions can cause it. In the most severe cases, a piece of cartilage can even break off.

a knee in need of knee cartilage replacement surgery

Cartilage, unlike other types of tissue, does not have a blood supply. What does this mean? That it takes longer to heal. For example, when we get a skinned knee, it heals quickly because the blood flows in with its white cells to combat infections and protect the wound. On the contrary, when cartilage is damaged, it does not receive this blood flow. As a result, cartilage takes much longer to heal.

What Are the Symptoms of Damaged Cartilage?

Damaged joints usually present similar symptoms. If you are suffering from cartilage damage, you’ll most likely experience:

  • joint pain,
  • stiffness,
  • and inflammation (swelling).

When these symptoms make it so that the patient can’t move the joint, specialists may recommend replacement surgery. However, there are shoulder and knee cartilage replacement alternatives to explore to avoid the costly and invasive procedure. By exploring your options, you will make an informed decision about what is best for you.


What Shoulder and Knee Cartilage Replacement Alternatives Are There?

Advances in modern medicine have made it so that among shoulder and knee cartilage replacement alternatives we find regenerative medicine (RM).

Regenerative medicine is a branch within the medical field that works with the body’s self-healing properties. Although cartilage has no blood supply, regenerative medicine treatments can make this happen. It focuses on developing the body’s self-healing properties and engineering damaged or lost tissue. Additionally, RM treatments are highly personalized as they use the patient’s DNA as the basis.

As a result, the treatments have virtually no contraindications. When the body receives the patient’s own cells, it assimilates them perfectly. Another advantage of regenerative medicine is that it is non-surgical and non-invasive.

Consult with your healthcare provider to see if you are an eligible patient. Our dedicated and expert staff at Pure Health Clinics can answer all your questions and give an accurate diagnosis.

Knee Cartilage Replacement Alternatives at Pure Health

At Pure Health Clinics, we offer the highest quality healthcare and support to live an energetic, fulfilling life. Our state-of-the-art facilities provide the perfect environment for producing the best results. In addition, our award-winning medical providers ensure that every patient gets a personalized experience.

While at any of our facilities, you’ll find care, respect, and understanding. We take pride in the extraordinary level of medical care that we provide to our patients. Also, our aim is to empower our patients to make the most informed decisions about their health. We look forward to helping you in your journey into a better life. If you would like to know more about shoulder and knee cartilage replacement alternatives, contact us.